(Pumping water...we'd be a thirsty group if left to Isabelle!)
(Some random shots at Pete and Mary Ann's pool.)
So, did the fun end there....no.....today we went to our other neighbor's home for their son's first birthday. It was awesome! And, not in a little kid sort of way. This was like no child's birthday I have ever experienced. Jayne and John hired a band to play music (latin-music (mexican) band), the food was catered by Dutch Epicure (awesome food!!!), there was a multitude of drinks (alcoholic and non), games for both children and adults, access to the indoor pool (very nice indoor pool) and so much more. We stayed only a couple of hours as Isabelle was getting a little too wired and tired. But, it was a great two hours! Unfortunately, no pictures....didn't bring my camera :-(
So, where do we go from here? I am in the final stages of stressing about the golf tournament. It is this Wednesday. Then Saturday, we are off to Hollis Old Home Day for some local flair and fun...living in a small New England town, Old Home Day is a fair with a BBQ, music, games, contests (apple pie contest, pet contest, etc) with fireworks in the evening. Should be fun.
Hope everyone else is having as much fun!