Isabelle has been very busy this month, and she adores her ballet class! They had a "visiting day" last Saturday where parents and guests could watch the last fifteen minutes of the class in the classroom. Isabelle at first thought we were taking her out and cried and told us to go. Once she realized that we were just there to watch, she was okay. We took some great pictures and really wonderful videos...okay, so I am such a geeky Mom.....and I love digital cameras. I have really great Cannon camera - the real kind with various lens and speeds - that I never use since getting my digital camera. I loved my Cannon and it does take excellent pictures....some of my pictures include the parade in Boston when the Patriots first won the Super Bowl and Tall Ships in Boston - both having been taken from the 35th floor of Exchange Place. It is an awesome camera! But alas, waiting for the prints to develop is just too much for me now-a-days. Maybe one day I'll buy one of those really nice professional digital cameras that is similar to my Cannon but produces the digital pic instead of using film.
(Isabelle at the dance studio before her class)
(In class)

Anyway, tomorrow is Isabelle's second ever Halloween Boo-Bash. Her baby friends will be coming and I hope the weather is okay. Snow is predicted. How scary is that one as it is not even November yet?! My good friend from college visited yesterday, and her parents live in Canada - just outside Montreal, and they have snow already. I'm not ready for snow!
Enjoy the cool brisk autumn day....and until next time.....ta ta