Friday, January 30, 2009

Winter is Almost Over!!

Spring is not far away, thankfully.  It has been a cold and snowy winter (hey, what else can one expect in New England?!).  This month has been busy with all sorts of fun.  I was the chair of an event that raised funds for the Make-A-Wish foundation.  We had a blast and it was the club's first time with a silent auction.  We raised a lot of funds and all auction items were sold with the exception of one.  We decided to donate it to the charity.  Over all a good time was had by all.  Then, there are the play dates and birthday parties this month.  It is great to be young and have fun!  How kids in daycare do it is beyond me.  They miss out on so much...alas that is another story for another day.

(Al and I at the Winter Reunion fund raiser)

(Playing with Rachel)

(The little explorers - our backyard)

(Rachel's Birthday Party)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Some snow scenes

Some scenes from our most recent snow storm:

(Front of our house)

(Portion of backyard)

(Front yard - including Al and Isabelle)

(Road view - one direction)

(Road View - Other direction)

Snowy cold New England

(Sledding on her own!  My little pink bundle!)

The past few days have been horribly cold (woke up to -10 one day) and lots of snow.  I keep reminding myself that March is about six weeks away....and counting!

But, it was warm (in the low 20's) one day....still snowing, mind you....and Isabelle was bundled to go and play.  She loved it.  Her cheeks
 were rosy red (wind burn most likely) and she had a blast!  Assisted her Dad with the clearing of the little cutie pie!

(Looking cold and Happy)

(Sledding with fun!)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Announcing The Wholesome Horse Equine Treats Blog

2009 is a year that will be full of new and exciting adventures.  One of the first is the announcement of my other blog -  Thos blog will promote my gourmet equine treats...which by the way are awesome!  I am hoping to also add things about horses and equine life.  So check it out and it along to all of your horsey friends.  It is still being developed, but you can go and check it out.

Stay warm!  (It's going to be in the single digits here today and negative numbers tonight.  YIKES!)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Fun Days

It's awesome to be a toddler - no worries, fun around every corner and only a few rules...okay, maybe a lot of rules but most you ignore anyway....right.....

Yesterday, Isabelle had a playdate with a new friend for FIVE hours.  Talk about a pooped little tyke and a Mommy's dream...asleep and soundly and no complaining about going to bed for the night.  Ahhh, it was great.  

Also, Isabelle is now registered for preschool.  This is a major event and caused a lot of stress in my life.  You would think that she is going to be at Harvard by the second grade!  On the plus side, she is going to the school I really wanted and on the date and time I really wanted.  The added plus, she is going to be in the same class as her friend, Hannah.  Perfect all around.

I have tons of pictures to share, but need to get them off of my camera.  So stay tuned!  (Sorry so dull and boring - more of a quick update than anything else.)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Life is Beautiful

Today will be a great and wonderful day.  No, I have not been drinking too many Lattes!!  I plan on spending the day having some fun with Isabelle and Al.  The other day, Isabelle and I danced away to the great songs of Jack Johnson and the Philadelphia Chickens.  Isabelle loves to dance....what toddler doesn't ;-)

Speaking of dancing, Isabelle is really getting into her ballet class.  Mind you, she loves to run, jump and kick.  The quieter parts of ballet usually have her running in a big circle.  And, when everyone is taking a "nap", she goes around trying to wake everyone up.  Oh yes, a chip off the old block!  

It's chilly with anticipated snow later today.  Perfect January counting the days to Spring!!!

Have a cup of cocoa or tea today and soak in the crispness of winter!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Off to a good start

So far, I can say with a strong voice that 2009 is off to a very good start.  Yesterday, I spent the morning in a wonderful Yoga class and am looking forward to another on Sunday.  One of my New Year's resolutions is to start a yoga regime.  I need something that I can easily do in a short period of time, and yoga fits the bill.  If all goes well, Tuesday evenings will be spent in a weekly yoga class. 

It has been a wonderful week with Al home.  I will certainly miss him when he heads off to work on Monday.  Alas, it is necessary.  By Monday, our lives will be in full swing again. 

Enjoy the weekend and the new year!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Happy New Year everyone!  This year is going to be wonderful.  For me, it started with a great yoga class.  Yes, one New Year's Day!  The studio offered a free yoga class and in lieu of payment, asked everyone to bring non-perishable food for the Nashua Soup Kitchen.  So, two good feelings in one - helping myself and others.

Over the past couple of weeks, I've become addicted to Facebook.  I also Twitter, but no one I know does, so Facebook it is.  The great thing is I am hooking up with old friends and some that I don't see often enough!  It's a blast.  Not to mention making some new friends on the way.

This year's resolutions - though I am not a big fan of such things - are to be more relaxed and have fun.  No matter what least that is the motto for today ;-)

Wishing everyone a great 2009!!