Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Father's Day and some fun cards

Ah, it's been a while and life has been super busy....preschool graduation, summer camp registrations, vacation planning and the like. Right now, I have just created some super fun and great father's day cards for the men in my life. I love Shutterfly! They have some wonderful and super easy products to make unique and creatively yours gifts. Mine are the cards. Looking for a great gift for the dads in your life, really, check out Shutterfly! Personally, I prefer Shutterfly over Snapfish....better quality books et al.

To take a quick peak, check out the following:

5x7 Folded Card
View the entire collection of cards.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Winter Fun

Isabelle's first time on skates and she had a BLAST! So much so that she kept on asking if she could join the boys who were playing hockey. That's my girl :) Our town has a man-made rink that is just perfect for beginners. She did not want to stop - even when tempted with her favorite winter chocolate.

Tomorrow's adventure...sledding with Hannah!

Just love winter fun!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Super Great Craft Idea!

(Above image from Little Bit Funky's Blog....not mine!)

I follow a few blogs. Some are okay and others are just plain awesome! One such blog that I follow is A Little Bit Funky. Crystal is a wonderful person who is super creative and artistic. Something I truly envy and wish I had half of her creativity :) I'd like to share with everyone one of her many great craft ideas.....I like it so much I am planning on doing this at a playdate soon! The idea is using freezer paper to stensil a design. Simple and easy...not to mention fun. For instructions, simply check out A Little Bit Funky's blog.

It has been snowing a lot recently, and I was able to capture Isabelle one post-snowy afternoon while playing outside. To be young and enjoy the cold, wet snow again :)