Monday, May 19, 2008

Welcome to our lives and family

Beinvenu...Welcome to our family blog! Though we are not French, I have long loved the French language and people. Who am I kidding, I love languages (German, French, English, name it - European or otherwise). Anyway, I felt that to be a modern mother, I needed to start a blog. How else will my daughter, albeit being only 2.5 years old, learn about the internet and all the wonders of the technological world without one....right?!

We have been feeding our neighbors rabbit, Frodo, since his decision to be a resident-in-exile/ex-patriot of his cage and have provided him sanctuary in our yard. Though, his life of being a free-bunny will not last long, we are having a ton of fun feeding and playing with him. He and Isabelle have the best time playing together. These are pictures from a few days ago.

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