Wednesday, August 6, 2008

It's been a while

What can I say, life is crazy! Last week, I was hoping to catch up on work and various other items. Then, our cat, Gizmo, had a serious problem which required taking him to the vet directly from the groomer. Poor guy. He is doing much better. I owe a huge thank you to the groomer who spotted the problem and the vet who was able to get him that very day. Basically, he is on medication and doing much better! It is a lesson on how it stinks to get old!!! (He's fifteen and right now is taking four medications daily.)

After the trauma with Gizmo, off Isabelle and I went to visit my Mom. The plan was to have her and Walter come back to NH on Monday. Alas, that fell through. But, one the positive side, they are planning to come up later this month.

So, then there are the thrills in my friends' lives. One friend's child (born in May as a preemie) has just undergone brain surgery....having been postponed three times....happily, he did well and seems to be recovering least as of last night. And, another friend is divorcing her husband of 24 years. Needless to say, she is very sad and broken hearted! My thoughts and good wishes are with her! She lives in NJ, and we have been communicating via email since 1992. I worked with her at Hartford College for Women. She taught me a lot during my brief employment at the college. What a trip that was too....Asst. Director of Student Activities - that was my job. Oh, the stories there. Tears still come to my eyes (from laughing so hard) when I think of some of them. Good luck Lisa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This week looks to be just as busy. Last night I went out with some friends from the Greater Nashua Mothers Club. Had a great time with them. This particular group, a sub-group within the club, are really wonderful people. And, it is nice just to get out and meet people. Tonight, it's a car club meeting and this morning Isabelle and I are off to get our hair cut. Tomorrow we head off to Charmingfare Farm (Candia, NH), if it does not rain. Our last trip was cancelled due to rain. Then, Saturday, my good friend from college is getting married - congratulations Lisa and Dan!!! We're so excited to be attending. Should be a lot of fun.

So that is the "cliff-note" version of my life over the past two weeks. Oh yes, I have to say that I scored really well at a weekend sale at Olive Juice ( I ended up buying some of Isabelle's wardrobe for next year. Everything was marked down to $10 - it was just for the weekend. If I had purchased all items full price, it would have cost $ price $60! Gotta love that.

Au revoir until next week.....maybe I'll have some beautiful pictures to post of the wedding! Stay dry!!

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