Wednesday, June 24, 2009

YIKES! More rain!

Ugh.  It is the end of June and there have been more rainy days than not.  And, it is cold.  What ever happened to Global Warming?  It sure is taking a long time to "warm up"...maybe those greenhouse gases need to beat up more sun-rays (hahahaha.......and those who know Futurama will get that quote).  

Okay, so I had to vent mildly about the weather.  The problem is once the rain stops the bugs are out in full force.  Never ends, right?!

Last night we had a wonderful visitor in our yard.  Just as Isabelle was being tucked into bed, a deer came into our yard to eat our apples.  Isabelle thought it too cool to watch the deer.  She (or he - young one with no antlers maybe) ate for about 20 minutes before deciding to head into the woods.  With over four apple trees in the yard, we tend to get a lot of deer.  Oddly, only one showed up lat night.  Or, at least only one that we saw!  It was just a perfect way to end the day.

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