Sunday, November 9, 2008

An afternoon with horses

It is a beautiful fall day and Isabelle and I headed to the barn this afternoon. I am happy to report that my love of horses seems to be passed on genetically!! Isabelle did not want to leave and we spent over two-hours watching, petting and hanging out with the horses at the barn. She has not been to Denise's since she was about one, so it was totally new and exciting. Not to mention she has not been so intimate with and seen so many (over 20 horses were visited today!!) horses in one spot. She was in heaven. She cried that she did not want to leave...her exact words "No Mommy, no go home, stay here with hee hees (horses)". We were not even half-way home and she fell asleep. And with good reason - we spent most of the time outside doing all sorts of horsey activities. Now, this is my kind of play date ;-)

BTW, Denise has been my trainer for over 10 years. She has a fabulous stable - Southwind Farm, and you can check it out at her website ( She is planning on updating it soon with more great pictures and additional info!!

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