Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Murphy's Law sort of day

By Murphy's Law, I am not referring to the TV show (never watched it, so truly do not know if it relates or not), but more to the old saying. Well, today was one of those days. It started yesterday with Isabelle getting a little cold. So, instead of working, I spent the day with her. We cuddled on the couch, watched movies and just plain had as much fun while being quiet as possible. This morning, my computer has decided to meet its maker. Normally, annoying as it would be, I would not be too stressed. Alas, tomorrow is a big event I am planning and was hoping to spend today getting the last minute items completed. Instead, I spent the day trouble-shooting my PC with Dell and then configuring Al's laptop so I could get some work done. It is 9:30pm, and I am so tired!!!

So, no pictures yet and I need to get to sleep. I may watch a Sherlock Holmes movie before falling asleep...I need something to relax and unwind my frazzled mind ;-)

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