Monday, June 29, 2009

Highlights of the Big Day!

Isabelle's big stage depute was wonderful.  All of the little girls in her class did remarkably well.  Especially considering they
 had never been on the stage before the performance day.  They all rocked!!  Isabelle stayed for the full recital and even made it back stage for the Grande Finale.  After her part of the Grande Finale was over, she cried that she "did not want to leave.  I want to be on stage".  A Diva in the making!!

With Mommy before the performance

Backstage before the big depute!

After the performance - every little Diva needs flowers!!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Big Day Today

This is the big day for Isabelle - her ballet recital and debut on stage...a real stage!  Should be very exciting, and hopefully she has a great time.  Fingers crossed :-)  The sun seems to be working in our favor so far, though the forecast for the next few days is rain.  Should I be building an Ark?

Question of the day: What would you exclude from your Ark?  Top on my list would be ticks and mosquitos.  Do they serve any purpose other than to pester every living creature?!  Oh yes, and many (if not all) politicians.  No matter who they are and what country they serve, they make the messes in this world.  I've noted on my FB page that the UN is not much different than a bunch of preschoolers or toddlers...all bickering and saying they know what is best.  Right.  Okay, I digressed a bit there.  

Enjoy the day - sunny or rainy!  Will post some pictures of the recital later this weekend.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

YIKES! More rain!

Ugh.  It is the end of June and there have been more rainy days than not.  And, it is cold.  What ever happened to Global Warming?  It sure is taking a long time to "warm up"...maybe those greenhouse gases need to beat up more sun-rays (hahahaha.......and those who know Futurama will get that quote).  

Okay, so I had to vent mildly about the weather.  The problem is once the rain stops the bugs are out in full force.  Never ends, right?!

Last night we had a wonderful visitor in our yard.  Just as Isabelle was being tucked into bed, a deer came into our yard to eat our apples.  Isabelle thought it too cool to watch the deer.  She (or he - young one with no antlers maybe) ate for about 20 minutes before deciding to head into the woods.  With over four apple trees in the yard, we tend to get a lot of deer.  Oddly, only one showed up lat night.  Or, at least only one that we saw!  It was just a perfect way to end the day.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Dress Rehearsal and the weekend

Start of rehearsal - in line for grand entrance on stage!

Saturday was Isabelle's dress rehearsal for ballet.  Hard to think the year is over for her ballet class.  Of course, we are all set for the summer session - ballet/tap.  The girls looked so darn cute.  Saturday's performance will be awesome.  Will be fun to see how she does on a real stage!

Very cute outfits - guess the song?  You are My Sunshine!

Group pose - bummer my flash didn't work too well!

Spent the weekend with my Mom.  Had a delightful dinner with my mom and a friend of the family.  Ended up talking almost to midnight!  Love those kinds of evenings.  Isabelle was a peach too.  She's truly a great kid!!  Think I'll keep her ;-)

Today I am planning on making some chocolate covered strawberries with freshly picked berries from Lull Farm and freezing them for a later date.  Thank you Inger for the idea!!!  Another awesome use for fresh strawberries.  Bummer the strawberry season is so short in here.  Alas, makes them the more divine when they are in season!!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Pink Martini in concert

Wow, I forgot to mention that I went to see Pink Martini last friday.  Wow, are they awesome or what.  Plus the newly renovated Boston Opera House is just awe inspiring.  It is great to see old building being saved rather than demolished and some new yucky construction in it's place.  The past is just as vital to preserve as the present and future.  

Afterwards, we headed to Finales for some super delicious chocolate molten cake, lattes and great conversation.  Thank you Beth and Peri!  I had a great time!!!

Plus, I've also taken a moment to update the playlist on this blog.  Enjoy the summer-like music!

Been too long!

Okay, I have been the worst blogger since the creation of blogging.  It's been almost three months since I last wrote, and so much has happened.  As a result, I've been much too emotionally drained to write.  But, hopefully, all is getting better and I am back!

Isabelle's dress rehearsal for ballet is today.  It is going to be so darn cute.  We bought lipstick for her - basically so that the lights do not wash her out on stage
.  It is the most exciting item in her room at the moment.  She had to carry to the carry after we
 bought it.  Wow, is she all little girl or what ;-)

Recently she went to lunch with some of her friends.  The scary part was it made look into the future and what she will be like in high school.  it was so darn freaky and scary!!!  My little girl is growing up.

Eating and sharing a plate of french fries - all with no fighting!

Gossiping and doing what three year old girls do best 
Fast forward to high school on this one!

Off to CT for a couple of days.  Will post again early next week.  Enjoy the day and may it not be raining where you are!  It has been raining for days here :-(