Friday, June 6, 2008

Tidbits and Odds and Ends

Another dreary day in New Hampshire....cold and rainy. And to think, this weekend will be in the 90's!! C'est la vie.

Okay, I am full of odd and useless knowledge today. Did you know it is National Donut Day? Nope...nor did I. I never knew the donut was such an American icon that we have dedicated a whole day to its yummy goodness. Of course, I have to learn about National Donut Day when I am trying not to eat such items.

Also, I discovered that lobster is a bug. That is utterly disgusting...especially as I really have an aversion to bugs. It is in the insect family...maybe not a true bug, but none-the-less I am going to think twice before I eat another lobster. Just the thought of it sort of makes me feel less hungry. I learned this exciting tidbit of knowledge from a cooking show on Food Network when the host was attempting to tell everyone that killing it is no different that killing a spider or cockroach. That was an analogy that I did not need to hear.

That is it today from me. I'll be heading to CT on Monday, so my posts may be a little sporadic.

Wait....another news flash...have I mentioned that I really like shopping at Never thought I'd ever go there, but the items are well made and reasonably priced. How can that be a bad deal?!

Speaking of deals (my mind is flushing itself of useless knowledge at the moment), there is a good website for checking out good deals - It was written up in the WSJ (Wall Street Journal) a few months ago, and it is pretty good.

Have a great weekend...plant a garden, paint a picture or write a something you have never done and wanted to is short!

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